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DaVinci Resolve Mini-Courses
DaVinci Resolve Mini-Courses
DaVinci Resolve Online Career Training and Certifications

About the DaVinci Resolve Mini-Courses
Mini-Courses are normally around 30 minutes to 3 hours long. Each Mini-course is designed to tackle a specific topic, these topics can range from creating and designing custom elements to exploring a set of tools and when to use them. The courses come with downloadable files so you can work with the course.
All mini-courses are included with the pro membership.

The Basics To Editing in DaVinci Resolve
Online course on how to get started with editing in DaVinci Resolve. You will learn how to setup a project get the footage in and start editing. We’ll also go over how to add titles and transitions.

Intro To Fusion Nodes
You can quickly become lost when trying to learn how fusion works. Most are quickly lost when it’s time to connect up the first node in the project. Learn about all of the types and how to find and connect them.
Create Animated Vintage Title / Logo
Learn how to take a vectored pre-made element and turn it into a animated title.
Building A Title In Fusion
Building a title animation & design to use on the cut or edit page.
Highlighter Effect In DaVinci Resolve
Guide to make a highlighter effect and learn how to use the premade macro you can download.
Retime Clip Controls
Learn all of the controls in DaVinci Resolve to adjust video speed. Explore how to speed ramp, freeze frame, play backwards, and much more.
Stabilization in DaVinci Resolve
Learn how to stabilize video in DaVinci Resolve. Explore all of the options the stabilization tools in DaVinci Resolve have available to use.
Subscribe Button Animation Using Fusion
Making a reusable subscribe button. Learn your way around Fusion as we build this animation. Explore how to export the finished work or turn the Fusion comp into a generator we can use on the edit or cut page when editing.
Different Ways To Save In DaVinci Resolve
Learn how the Resolve database works and its pros as well as how to save a project file if needed. We also go over how to save a project archive and its differences.
Learn everything DaVinci Resolve and Fusion.
With a pro membership get access to Certification Courses, Pro Lessons, Macros, Templates, LUTs, Power Grades
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