3D Texture Nodes

3D Texture Nodes

3D Texture Nodes Common Controls

Nodes that handle 3D geometry share a number of identical controls in the Inspector. This section describes controls that are common among 3D Texture nodes.

The Common Settings tab can be found on most tools in Fusion. The following controls are specific
settings for 3D nodes.

Hide Incoming Connections
Enabling this checkbox can hide connection lines from incoming nodes, making a node tree appear cleaner and easier to read. When enabled, fields for each input on a node are displayed. Dragging a connected node from the node tree into the field hides that incoming connection line as long as the node is not selected in the node tree. When the node is selected in the node tree, the line reappears.

Comment Tab
The Comment tab contains a single text control that is used to add comments and notes to the tool. When a note is added to a tool, a small red dot icon appears next to the setting’s tab icon, and a text bubble appears on the node. To see the note in the Node Editor, hold the mouse pointer over the node for a moment. The contents of the Comments tab can be animated over time, if required.

Scripting Tab
The Scripting tab is present on every tool in Fusion. It contains several edit boxes used to add scripts that process when the tool is rendering. For more details on the contents of this tab, please consult the scripting documentation.

