New Fusion SDK documentation for Fuse Plugins

Fusion SDK

For a long time Fusion has had plugins called fuses and to my knowledge there hasn’t really been much documentation out there freely available on developing these tools until now. Blackmagic Design’s has just released a 144 page PDF covering how Fusion fuses work and how to properly implement them to work with Fusion Studio as well as DaVinci Resolve.

Briefly looking over the documentation it looks like you’re able to work with lua, C++ and have direct access to GPU processing which seems very interesting and exciting.

This documentation isn’t really for people that are video editors, this is more for people that enjoy software development.

If you’re someone that’s going to take the leap into creating a fuse please reach out to me and let me know how the process is going and what you end up creating as I would love to showcase the project on the site.

Here is the July 2022 Fuse Plugin PDF from Blackmagic Design

