Pseudo Color Node

Pseudo Color Node

The Pseudo Color node provides the ability to produce variations of an image’s color based on waveforms generated by the node’s controls. Static or animated variances of the original image can be produced.

Pseudo Color Node Inputs

There are two Inputs on the Pseudo Color node: one for an image and one for an effects mask.

  • Input: The orange input is used for the primary 2D image that gets its color modified.
  • Effect Mask: The blue input is for a mask shape created by polylines, basic primitive shapes, paint strokes, or bitmaps from other tools. Connecting a mask to this input restricts the pseudo color to be within the pixels of the mask. An effects mask is applied to the tool after the tool is processed.

Pseudo Color Node Setup

The Pseudo Color node is not a stand-alone generator, so it must have an image input that it uses to generate variations in colors.

Pseudo Color Node Red/Green/Blue/Alpha Tabs

The node’s controls are separated into four identical tabs, one for each of the RGBA color channels.

  • Color Checkbox
    When enabled, the Pseudo Color node affects this color channel.
  • Wrap
    When enabled, waveform values that exceed allowable parameter values are wrapped to the opposite extreme.
  • High and Low
    High and Low determine the range to be affected by the node in a specific color channel.
  • Soft Edge
    This slider determines the soft edge of color transition.
  • Waveform
    This selects the type of waveform to be created by the generator. Four waveforms are available: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, and Square.
  • Frequency
    This controls the frequency of the waveform selected. Higher values increase the number of occurrences of the variances.
  • Phase
    This modifies the Phase of the waveform. Animating this control produces color cycling effects.
  • Mean
    This determines the level of the waveform selected. Higher values increase the overall brightness of the channel until the allowed maximum is reached.
  • Amplitude
    Amplitude increases or decreases the overall power of the waveform.

Pseudo Color Node Settings Tab

The Settings tab controls are common to all Effect nodes. These common controls are described in detail HERE




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