pCustomForce Node

pCustomForce Node

The pCustom Force node allows you to change the forces applied to a particle system or subset. This node is one of the most complex and the most powerful node in Fusion. If you are experienced with scripting or C++ programming, you should find the structure and terminology used by the Custom Force node to be familiar.

The forces on a particle within a system can have their positions and rotations affected by forces. The position in XYZ and the Torque, which is the spin of the particle, are controlled by independent custom equations. The Custom Force node is used to create custom expressions and filters to modify the behavior. In addition to providing three image inputs, this node will allow for the connection of up to eight numeric inputs and as many as four XY position values from other controls and parameters in the node tree.

pCustomForce Node Inputs

The pCustom Force node has three inputs. Like most particle nodes, this orange input accepts only other particle nodes. A green and magenta are 2D image inputs for custom image calculations. Optionally there are teal or white bitmap or mesh inputs, which appear on the node when you set the Region menu in the Region tab to either Bitmap or Mesh.

  • Input: The orange input takes the output of other particle nodes.
  • Image 1 and 2: The green and magenta image inputs accept 2D images that are used for perpixel calculations and compositing functions.
  • Region: The teal or white region input takes a 2D image or a 3D mesh depending on whether you set the Region menu to Bitmap or Mesh. The color of the input is determined by whichever is selected first in the menu. The 3D mesh or a selectable channel from the bitmap defines the area where the pCustom Force takes effect.

pCustomForce Node Setup

The pCustom Force node is inserted between a pEmitter and pRender node to serve as a catalyst for particles using advanced C++ and scripting.

The tabs and controls located in the Inspector are similar to the controls found in the pCustom node. Refer to the pCustom node for more information.

pCustomForce Node Conditions, Style, Region, and Settings Tabs

The Conditions, Style, Region, and Settings tabs are common to all Particle nodes, so their descriptions can be found HERE.




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