Mandelbrot Node

Everything You Need to Know About Mandelbrot Node

This node creates an image pattern based on the Mandelbrot fractal theory set.

Mandelbrot Node Inputs

The one input on the Mandelbrot node is for an effect mask to limit the area where the fractal noise is applied.

  • Effect Mask: The optional blue effect mask input accepts a mask shape created by polylines, basic primitive shapes, paint strokes, or bitmaps from other tools. Connecting a mask to this input limits the fractals to only those pixels within the mask.

Mandelbrot Node Setup

The Mandelbrot node generates images that can be used for motion graphics and sci-fi effects. Below, it is used to generate motion graphics for the background of a title.

Mandelbrot Node Noise Tab

The Noise tab controls the shape and pattern of the noise for the Mandelbrot node.

  • Position X and Y
    This chooses the image’s horizontal and vertical position or seed point.
  • Zoom
    Zoom magnifies the pattern in or out. Every magnification is recalculated so that there is no practical limit to the zoom.
  • Escape Limit
    Defines a point where the calculation of the iteration is aborted. Low values lead to blurry halos.
  • Iterations
    This determines the repetitiveness of the set. When animated, it simulates a growing of the set.
  • Rotation
    This rotates the pattern. Every new angle requires recalculation of the image.
  • Mandelbrot Node Color Tab
    The Color tab allows you to adjust the gradient and repetition of the gradient colors for the generated pattern.
  • Grad Method
    Use this control to determine the type of gradation applied at the borders of the pattern.
  • Continuous Potential
    This causes the edges of the pattern to blend to the background color.
  • Iterations
    This causes the edges of the pattern to be solid.
  • Gradient Curve
    This affects the width of the gradation from the pattern to the background color.
  • R/G/B/A Phase and Repetitions
    These controls set the color values of the pattern generators.

Mandelbrot Node Image and Settings Tabs

The Image and Settings tabs in the Inspector are duplicated in many Generator nodes. These common controls are described in detail HERE.

