Alpha Multiply Node

Alpha Multiply Node

As the name gives away, the Alpha Multiply’s sole purpose is to multiply an image’s color channels by its alpha channel. When you color correct an image that contains a premultiplied alpha channel, first apply an Alpha Divide node before any color correction node to create a non-premultiplied image. Then you can perform the color correction. After the color correction, add an Alpha Multiply node to return the image to its premultiplied state.

Alpha Multiply Node Inputs

The Alpha Multiply node includes two inputs in the Node Editor.

  • Input: The orange input accepts a 2D image with a “straight” or non-premultiplied alpha.
  • Effect Mask: The optional blue input expects a mask shape created by polylines, basic primitive shapes, paint strokes, or bitmaps masks. Connecting a mask to this input limits the pixels where the Alpha multiply occurs. An effects mask is applied to the tool after the tool is processed.

Alpha Multiply Node Setup

The Alpha Multiply node is placed after color correction is done to an image with a premultiplied Alpha channel. Here the MediaIn node is assumed to have a premultiplied Alpha channel. The Alpha Divide node is inserted, and then color correction nodes operate on the “straight” Alpha. An Alpha Multiply node is placed at the end of the chain to premultiply the Alpha channel again. If only a single color correction node is used, then the Pre-Divide/Post-Multiply checkbox on the Options tab can be used in place of the Alpha Divide/Alpha Multiple nodes.




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