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Old World Titles

Installation Guide

System Requirements

Before installing, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • DaVinci Resolve Version: 19.1
  • Operating System: Windows / macOS

Installing the Template Pack

  1. Download the Template Pack
  2. Extract the downloaded .zip file.
  3. Start DaVinci Resolve
  4. Open a project or create a new project.
  5. Locate the DaVinci Resolve Template Bundle File (.drfx)
  6. Inside the folder you've extracted you should see a .drfx file.
  7. Double click the .drfx file.
  8. Click Install in the pop-up window within DaVinci Resolve.
  9. Restart DaVinci Resolve
  10. Open DaVinci Resolve and check in Effects Library > Titles > JayAreTV > Old World.

Installing Fonts

Some templates may require specific fonts to function correctly.

  1. Download Fonts
  2. Tangerine
  3. Shippori Mincho

  4. Install Fonts on Windows

  5. Right-click the font files and select Install.
  6. Install Fonts on macOS
  7. Double-click the font file and click Install Font in Font Book.
  8. Restart DaVinci Resolve
  9. Ensure DaVinci Resolve is restarted so the new fonts appear in the Inspector.

Finding the Title Templates in DaVinci Resolve

After installation, follow these steps to locate the templates:

  1. Open DaVinci Resolve.
  2. Go to the Edit Page or Cut Page.
  3. Open the Effects Library.
  4. Navigate to Titles.
  5. Search for [Old World] in the search bar.

Adding the Template to the Timeline

  1. Drag the title from the Effects Library to the timeline.
  2. Adjust the duration by dragging the edges of the template.

Title Settings


This is a main control for all animations.

Text Drop Shadow

The Text Drop Shadow settings adds a shadow behind the text, creating depth.

  • Shadow Strength – Determines the opacity of the shadow. A value of 1 means the shadow is fully opaque, while lower values make it more transparent.
  • Drop Angle – Controls the direction of the shadow in degrees (0° = right, 90° = down, 180° = left, 270° = up).
  • Drop Distance – Defines how far the shadow is offset from the original object. A higher value moves the shadow further away.
  • Blur – Softens the edges of the shadow. Higher values make the shadow more diffused and less defined.

Text Glow

The Text Glow settings is used to create a glowing effect around the text area.

  • Glow Size – Controls the spread or radius of the glow. A higher value results in a larger, softer glow that extends further from the bright areas.
  • Glow – Controls the intensity or strength of the glow effect. Higher values make the glow appear stronger and more prominent.

Background Grain

The Background Grain is used to add film-like noise or texture to the background.

  • Power – Controls the intensity of the grain effect. Higher values result in stronger, more visible grain.
  • Grain Size – Determines the size of the grain particles. A lower value creates finer grain, while a higher value makes the grain larger and coarser.

Background Vignette

This adjusts the outside edge of the image brightness and contrast.

  • Gain – Multiplies the bright tones of the outside edge.
  • Lift – Adjusts the black levels or shadows of the outside edge.
  • Gamma – Controls the midtones of the outside edge.

Background Blur

The Background Blur softens the background image by averaging neighboring pixels.

  • Blur Size – Determines the amount of blur applied to the image. A higher value increases the blur radius, making the image appear softer.

Background Duotone

Replaces the full range of colors in an image with just two colors, one for the shadows (dark tones) and another for the highlights (light tones),

  • Gradient - Map the rage of brightness values to color values.
  • Duotone Low – Defines the lower threshold for brightness values.
  • Duotone High – Defines the upper threshold for brightness values.


Templates Not Appearing in DaVinci Resolve

  • Restart DaVinci Resolve.
  • Try to install again following the installation guide.

Fonts Not Displaying Correctly

  • Verify that the required fonts are installed.
  • Restart DaVinci Resolve after installing fonts.

Performance Issues

  • Lower the playback resolution for smoother previews.
  • Render in-place for better performance (Right-click > Render in Place).
  • Close unnecessary applications to free up system resources.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact Support Email or Website.