DaVinci Resolve 18.0.2 Update

Davinci Resolve 18.0.2

What’s new in DaVinci Resolve 18.0.2

  • Addressed an issue with large YouTube uploads failing.
  • Addressed some gallery still files being retained after deletion.
  • Addressed render in place using render cache instead of originals.
  • Addressed a track name metadata issue when performing audio sync.
  • Addressed potential loss of video elements with live save disabled.
  • Addressed incorrect trimming for some H.264 clips in media management.
  • Addressed an issue with trimming ARRI clips using media management.
  • Addressed an issue with reading trimmed ARRI clips from older versions.
  • Addressed an issue reading metadata from ARRI ProRes MXF files.
  • Addressed offline thumbs when importing many clips on Apple silicon.
  • Addressed media bin name and content sometimes loading as blank.
  • Addressed potential loss of clip retime when reloading the project.
  • Addressed an issue where copying some projects would cause an error.
  • Addressed an issue with incorrect timeline matte when pasting grades.
  • Addressed incorrect output colorspace in some upgraded RCM projects.
  • Addressed an issue with interlaced MXF clips from HyperDeck.
  • Addressed an issue with using proxies with subclips.
  • Addressed an issue with adding flags to clips on locked tracks.
  • Addressed an issue applying output sizing from saved project presets.
  • Addressed reel names being ignored for pre-conformed EDLs.
  • Addressed an issue with exporting multi-line subtitles.
  • Addressed an issue with using shared nodes on timeline node graphs.
  • Addressed an issue with pasting stereoscopic 3D grades in unmix mode.
  • Addressed incorrect aspect ratio when decoding some AVCHD clips.
  • Addressed an issue with Nvidia encoder quality settings.
  • Addressed HDR tagging issue when rendering to H.264 on Apple Silicon.
  • Addressed an issue where a render job would sometimes hang.
  • Addressed an issue with performing snapshots in Resolve Live.
  • Addressed an issue with upgrading PostgreSQL 9.2 project libraries.
  • Addressed an issue with gyro stabilization not blanking correctly.
  • Addressed an issue with importing FBX into a default comp.
  • Addressed an issue with scaling of the Fusion hue curves control.
  • Addressed an issue with bad edges on double polyline masks.
  • Addressed a repetitions issue with Mandelbrot on Apple silicon.
  • Addressed an issue where AMD renders would crash with some drivers.
  • Improved playback performance for ARRI Raw clips.
  • Updated DaVinci Resolve Panel setup utility.
  • General performance and stability improvements.

Download DaVinci Resolve 18.0.2

